Property Business Insiders Need to Invest in Environment and Sustainability

Whether you consider yourself a newbie in the property business or a seasoned veteran, the matter of sustainability should not be of compromise. If there is a one thing that everyone in the property business can agree on, it should be the issue of environment.

Environment and sustainability property investment

The largest impact can be made by the people who have the power. And “power” here translates to capital. To put it more plainly, money. Why should you (and everyone else) care about the environment in the real estate industry?

The issue of environment and sustainability is everyone’s concern

Environment should not be an individual’s issue. It is the collective responsibility of all of us who occupy the earth. The property business insiders have a particularly important role in improving the environment. One of the major issues of improvement that can be made is the issue of minimizing carbon footprints.

There are numerous issues that needed to be addressed and continuously improve upon.

Some of them include fuel and energy related activities, purchased goods and services regarding any construction activities, management of waste, the carbon footprint resulted in travel, as well as downstream leased assets.

It’s been identified that the majority of the real estate industry is made up by energy consumption throughout the life of a property, the process of construction itself, as well as the process of maintenance.

Minimizing carbon footprints caused by the real estate industry

Corporate footprints across all industries is undoubtedly the biggest culprit in environment issue. The real estate industry is responsible for much of the carbon footprints caused by constructions as well as the gathering of construction materials.

It’s been said that that the real estate sector had shown a good initiative to reduce the carbon footprint on the environment. This comes with a sense of responsibility, as the knowledge and capital in this sector made up for a great amount potential in both improvement and destruction.

There are organizations such as European Energy Efficiency Directive who are dedicated to this cause.

Ideal investment in sustainable properties

Investing in environmental issues won’t ‘merely’ benefit the mother earth and all of her inhabitants. A study has found that environmentally friendly properties yield higher returns and attract a more stable market.

The target audience that are able to focus on the environmental issues in the purchase of properties are likely to be more invested beyond financial issues.

It’s also a known fact that the eco-friendly investment is highly attractive to millennials.

The next generation of homeowners who are slowly but surely dominating the real estate market buyers, are known to care so much more about the issue of sustainability compared to the previous generations. From the plastics issues to a more personal issues such of being a vegan, the millennials are prime examples of the embodiment of emissary to environmental issues.

Property certifications

Since there had been a rampant practice of “greenwashing” in the real estate industry, one of the methods in distinguishing an actual environmentally-friendly house is through certification.

More and more people who are looking for sustainable green properties are looking for certifications instead of just an empty label of “green” properties that any sellers and agents can slap on.