6 Zero Waste Skincare Swaps to Start from Now On!

6 Zero Waste Skincare Swaps to Start from Now On!

Much of what we use in our beauty routines, from shampoo bottles to foundation tubes, is made of virgin plastic, making it difficult to recycle. It’s also one of the simplest areas of your routine to incorporate more environmentally aware changes, as being environmentally conscious has become a much bigger priority for both beauty products and consumers. However, contributing to a better earth can start from making simple swaps on your skincare routine to a more zero waste mindset. 

So what should a you do when presented with the challenge of keeping yout skin healthy while also being environmentally conscious? Here’s some simple tips to strike a happy medium.

When You Shop Sustainable Skincare

“Zero-waste” is a burgeoning beauty category in which manufacturers avoid contributing to landfill throughout the whole product development process, from ingredient sourcing to formulation, manufacturing, and shipping. Nowadays, many firms are beginning to offer more sustainable solutions, so you have a lot of options for purchasing natural beauty products or making your own.

Many businesses are switching to more environmentally friendly packaging, and some are even going zero waste in production. Others are replacing chemical-based, lab-derived components with safer, plant-based alternatives.

That may seem like a straightforward pledge, but given that the worldwide cosmetics business produces more than 120 billion units of packaging each year, it’s a welcome commitment.

Zero Waste Skincare Starts from the Packaging

Look for materials that are recyclable or reused in packaging. Look for packaging that is as simple as possible. There will be less trash if there is less packaging. Glass packaging is ideal because it is both recyclable and reusable. Another option being implemented by certain businesses is cardboard, which is both zero waste and totally compostable. Plastics that are recyclable or reusable are also available from some companies. 

Opt for Refillable Skincare

Opt for Refillable Skincare

Luxurious, heavy packaging is the allure of the cosmetics aisle, but if you can’t replace it, all of those lovely compacts and tubes will end up in a landfill. Instead, seek for products that come in refillable packaging to reduce the amount of single-use packaging you have. Today, you can find serious sustainable beauty brands in UK that not only use reusable packaging, but also let you buy refills!

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Pay More Attention to Ingredients

Many common skincare ingredients are harmful to your skin and the environment. Many of them are manufactured with petroleum derivatives, which are derived from fossil fuels. There are a few substances in traditional skincare products that should be avoided at all costs.

Switch to Reusable Cotton Rounds

Switch to Reusable Cotton Rounds

Reusable cotton squares are ideal for those who use a lot of cosmetics or care about their skin. They’re composed of bamboo fleece, so they’re mild on your skin and ideal for removing makeup, applying toner, and whatever else you can think of!

Choose Palm-Oil Free

Palm oil is produced when the oil palm tree is harvested. This substance has a major issue in the skincare sector. Palm trees thrive in hot areas, and each year, more rainforests are cleared for palm fruit plantations.

Palm oil-based products lead to deforestation, resulting in habitat loss for wildlife such as orangutans. It is the primary cause of deforestation in Indonesia, which destroys habitats and contributes to climate change.

Switch to Shampoo Bars

With shampoo bars, you can get away of all the packaging. Shampoo bars are durable and convenient because they do not require the use of synthetic bottles. They’re also ideal for traveling with the 100ml liquid restriction.

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Reusable Paper Towels

My favorite way to start a zero-waste path is using reusable paper towels! It may seem intimidating, but they may help you replace or reduce your use of paper towels! There’s no need to take the plunge all at once; instead, take small steps. You’ll also discover that lowering the number of paper towels you use each year will save you hundreds of dollars!